Thursday, August 15, 2013


It's been a long time since I added anything in here. my life has taken such a down ward turn...on Feb. 20, 2010 my 'best friend' Dawn King emptied my bank account leaving me broke and destitute. I had just started a new job and lost it because I missed too many days. I wanted to be home so if Dawn came back with my money I would be there. she never came back with any money because I called her PO and had her arrested and sent back to prison. She blamed me for the rest of her does someone do that? Rip someone off then make themselves "The victim". That was in is now August 2013 and I live with a monster named Alice Jaggers. I met her while living on Wetmore. after dawn ripped me off i had to leave my I moved in with this troll named forward 4 years...oh god. I can't begin to describe her accurately. she lives in bed. Smokes and collects pets and watches tv. She brought this new puppy to live with her and it hasnt' been allowed to leave her room. the dog is going mad. spinning around, foaming at the mouth, biting is heart breaking to watch and no one can do anything. As long as it has food,water and a roof over its head it is considered "safe"..oh if only 'they' knew..this poor dog is shitting and peeing anywhere it potty training took place...the woman who owns this dog is crazy..talks to herself, makes up the most stupid thing...she is a 'logic vaccum'..if you come anywhere near her with any logic she sucks it out of the room. She makes up so many lies..saying she was 'the first female mechanic in california'. she 'owned a carpet business"..she 'owned a dog grooming business" ..she 'owned a clothign business"..she 'is an electrician"..she can 'lay carpet'..she can 'work on cars" and yet she has never done any of those things..she was 'gonna' do so many things but cant get out of bed to do any of them. I have become her slave, her endentured servant..i do everything for her and she lays in bed and hands out money. I do the work and some other dude gets paid for it. I cant get my license through COPES becasue of ..oh god it's too long to tell..bottom line, i am her slave and i get room and board for it but i earn far more than room and board so I pay myself..leave that to your imagination..suffice it to say i have been well paid. ok moving on..i hate my life. I hate myself. I hate alice and I hate at 11

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