Sunday, September 20, 2009

Good Bye

Well, I dont' know if anyone notices this or not, but I have not added anything to my blog in over a couple weeks. I have had a very horrible negative even occur due to this blog that I figured not writing it would help solve thta problem. I know it is 'giving up' and letting that mother trucker who tried to ruin my job 'win'...but that isn't it. I just don't really have the time or the need to have a blog. My hopes were for a positive experience for myself and those who read it. I did have that reaction, but I never in a million years imagined that some random stranger/xfriend would take the opportunity to try to ruin my life.
Those negative, cowardly comments were just the beginning of what that horrid monster did to me. Calling my job, making up stories about my using drugs with 'their son' and telling my boss I was on methadone really upset me and those who love me. I have a very strong idea as to who it is that did that and my lawyer said there is really nothing I can do as of this point in time. Unfortunately, being a rotten mean spirited person is not against the law. People are free to be who they wish to be and if they choose to spend their time hurting other hard working, good,kind people than that is their perogative. However, it is also my perogative to close this blog and start a new one somewhere else and at another time.

to all who did follow and enjoy this blog, thank you. TO those of you who took this as an opportunity to hurt me, your 'reward' will come later. karma is a very serious, veyr real entity.....I don't have to lay one hand on you. You have sowed your seeds and you will reap your rewards from that negative effort.

Good Bye.....and remember
Gorgeous the Life


MelmoK said...

Well Susan, I wouldn't say good bye, I'd just keep the postings here all fluff.
It's obvious that the person who did this has no life and is worthless themselves, they might eventually get bored and move on or they might walk out in front of a train, one can only hope.

Mel :)

Susan said...

Mel, that was an awesome comment and you are right. Posting 'fluff' was not my intention. I really wanted to write from my heart and let people know what my life was like and how i saw things....but i will give thought to what you said....i had to laugh because in our world 'Fluff" means 'fart'...LOL...girls dont' fart they it?
Love ya

thaikarl said...

you have a lot to say, that isn't "fluf" or farts, but doesn't necessarily reveal intimate details of your personal life and times that could be used against you.