Wednesday, July 1, 2009

And Then There's Dawn

Today is June 21, first day of summer. Longest day of the year...oh great. Aren't they long enough already? I have just gotten off of the phone with a friend of mine, trying to tell him all that i have gone through this week. It isn't enough that I am trying to get a job, but i have a friend living with me that is without a doubt the most childlike, immature, ignorant, thoughtless, idiotic person I have ever known and yet I love her. While I was bored and trying to find a job, reading good books and staying cool, she almost got kidnapped, drugged, raped and killed. All without her meaning to be in the wrong place or with the wrong people or doing something she isn't supposed to be doing.. She let some 'nice Mexican guy named Edgar' into her car, into her life, her now and her reality. He offered her $20 for gas and another $40 to let him use her ID to book a hotel room because he didn't have any. She agreed, because what else do you do when some 'nice guy' asks you for help?

Shep to the room with him where she was forced to drink something that 'tasted like medicine". The next thing she knew she was violently ill and he went from "predator" to "care taker"...for 2 days she was in this 'room' with this 'nice man' who was trying to decide whether to rape her, call 911, kill her, call his wife for advice or kill himself. In between the puking, the crying, and oozing and pain of her abscess, she was asking him "why are you doing this to me?".

She had an boil/abscess on her bottom from a clogged sweat gland that needed to be lanced but she hadn't gone to the doctor yet...well, it burst while she was puking and was oozing out of her pants. At one point he figured "What the hell" and was going to rape her anyways, but when he took off her pants all she heard him say was 'Oh gross" and he threw her aside and... went to puke himself!!!. I am was laughing so hard when I heard that part of the story, I am sorry but it is funny... I won't tell you all the other emotions I was experiencing while hearing all she was doing when I was being jealous of her being on a yacht out in the Sound somewhere. That is how all of this started. She had plans to go out in a boat of a friend of hers brother...but they cancelled. So, instead of calling me and saying ,"Hey, get up and get dressed, let's go out and do something. come can't say no"...she called an old friend/drug buddy and hooked up with him. He was in the process of trying to track down some money someone owed him from a drug deal gone wrong. She became the chauffeur for these few guys she never met. One by one they got dropped off at their perspective abodes, leaving her alone with this nice guy Edgar....who made her this offer, she couldn't refuse. She says all this time she was thinking about me, and how I was going to react to this, but i have my doubts. I don't know if she has that capability. Dawn has a one way mind. She lives in the moment, giving no thought to the next step. Just living in the moment, going from one calamity to the next and leaning on her ability to apologize so convincingly...

I didn't learn about this for 4 days. She left here on Friday night and crawled up the stairs home on Tuesday morning. She was feverish and sick from the abscess (or so I thought) I took her to ER. I thought the doctors there would show some compassion, because most abscesses that come their way are caused from heroin, dirty heroin. Well...he thought the same and didn't offer her any pain medicine, even though she begged through clenched teeth and a gallon of tears. He proceeded to inject her with something to 'numb the pain' but that itself was most excruciating. She screamed for 10 solid minutes. I counted. He didn't stop. He just kept going slower and slower...finally he stopped and then began to investigate the wound. It had mostly drained out all on its own, so there wasn't much more to do besides pack it. The energy she expended after going through the emotional trauma she had just undergone those last few days, finished her off.

After he was done, she went into a comatose state and never did return. I put her in the car, drove home, carried her upstairs and put her in bed where she remained, motionless for the next 15 hours. Wednesday morning, I tried to wake her up, and she was unresponsive...totally. Barely a pulse, barely a breath...I called 911. The came and took her to the hospital....again. She was dehydrated, exhausted, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, low ability to thrive....and battling MRSA (if you don't know what that is....where have you been? Under a rock?)

I picked her up later Wednesday afternoon. Picked up her prescription for the antibiotics for her abscess and took her home where she proceeded to puke her guts out for the next 24 hours. I made her go back to the hospital on Thursday where they took her off of the antibiotics, which she was reacting so violently to..and she finally stopped barfing. Thank You Jesus, Buddha, Mohamed and all the other Gods.

If was Thursday afternoon when she told me all this sordid stuff about where she really had been and what had happened. The reason she became so violently ill was because she is currently taking Suboxon, which is a fabulous opiate replacement drug that has Buphynorphine and Naltraxone (an opiate block). ALone it works great to stop the cravings and obsession with using opiates. Combined with opiates, it will throw the person into instant withdrawal symptoms, causing severe nausea, chills, pain and suffering. I guess dumb shit 'Nice Guy Edgar" didn't read the small print on what ever opiate he used to put in her drink. Cheap bastard. Couldn't afford any Rohypnol. He tried to make his own drug. She said she tasted it when she took a sip of her coke. Red Flag ignored number #1. There were so many red flags I just couldn't believe how stupid she was. He told her he had a gun...but she didn't see any. He was talking on the phone with his wife, he said he was in the Mexican Mafia and if she told anyone he was going to have 'his people' kill her. If he was in the freaking Mexican Mafia, "his people" should OWN motels, and he wouldn't be needing to use some strange chick's ID to get a room. If he were in the Mexican Mafia, he would have drawn his gun to threaten her many fucking gaps in this story, so many red flags and chances to get out....but she didn't. When she told me he said he had a gun but never brandished it, I told her, "You should have gotten up, bolted for that fucking door, ran our screaming your lungs out...he wasn't going to chase you out, firing his 'gun' in broad way no how. Oh well...hind sight 20/20 and all that.

Why she wasn't killed and tossed into the dumpster is is beyond me. Maybe God had to get rough with her when it came to lessons. She wasn't taking subtle hints...well, this was a very not so subtle hint to get a freaking clue, ya know? Since I brought her into my home when she was released from prison....I thought that by living with me, she would pick up some of my...habits? I didn't know a better word. I was on drugs once. I was incarerated once. I lost everything i ever owned or loved once...but after my release, I got on the right path and never looked back. I lived in my car, i stayed with a good friend who let me stay with him until I had enough money to get my own pad. I worked, cried, crawled through sweat and tears to get my life back on track. No one aside from Bill (my friend who I stayed with) did shit for me. I had no money from my trust fund. I had no parental support like Dawnee does. I had no girlfriend there for me to cry on and lean on....Dawn has me. I had to learn to stay away from people who weren't living good, clean lives...she won't do that. She keeps thinking she can hang with dogs adn not pick up a flea or two.

She won't stay home with me. I am too boring for her. I just read books and watch tv and job hunt. She is like a cat on a hot tin roof; can't sit still, can't stand to be in her own skin. She can't get into a good book. She can barely sit still for a movie. She is getting better but not much. Well, I think she got scared straight with this last episode. She vows that from now on, she is going to stick to my like glue. I hope for her sake that she discovers that what she considers 'boring' is just plain ole serenity. I love being 'bored'. I wasnt' bored for a long time when I was in 'that world". boring suits me just fine now, and someday I hope it will suit her. In the mean time...I will keep putting up her chore list, telling her what phone calls to take and what ones to hang up on, what meetings she needs to get to. I look at her as my chance to make up for the children i never had. I Love her and I won't kick her out, can't kick her out and just will not kick her out...not now, not after this much. I think she was finally gven a lesson that won't ever leave her. I know it won't ever leave me. More will be revealed...stay tuned. Film at 11:00.

.Gorgeous the Life


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