Wednesday, July 1, 2009

One Confused Blogger

Hi's me. I have spent the last hour switching things around in here. I didn't like the title "What's the Buzz". I have always wanted a column in the paper called 'As Susan Sees IT"...I didn't realize that if I ran all those words together that the first word seen would be "Ass"...but oh well, that's just how i roll.
ANyways, I have moved things around, there are stories and journal entries out of place and mixed up...but hey, how do ya love the black background?
I am going to keep it this way from now on.
Go ahead and read this over, get caught up and then I promise no more drastic changes from here on out. Lose that '' address and put this in its place....well, now that I think about it...You don't have to do anything. I did it for you with my link. Like i said before, I am new at this and still have a few bugs to work out but I promise it will get better and pretty soon this will look like the most professional blog aorund.
One thing i have to ask..when I was checking my old one out...all the subtitles/names of each post vanished until I drug my mouse over the top of it,then it would appear. That is what made me start this whole process to begin with. I wanted to know where my titles went. So, instead of trying to figure that out, i just started a whole new freaking blog. I cut and pasted my way though this hellacious project and I will be damned if I am going to go back and figure out what was wrong with the old one. I also found out this has "Spell check" so you won't be wading through all my dyslexic typos...I switch letters at the end of my find 'thta' and 'haev' and 'dotn' and 'statr' alot didn't ya? well, now I will take tha textra bit of trouble and correct them. I swear, it isn't because I am stupid or can't type. I just get going so fast that my fingers swtich up the letters. I hvae (see? I didnt correct that on purpose so you would see what I was talking about).
I have all those words saved on my 'AutoCorrect' on WORD...but not everything I type on does it.

Ok that's out of the way...Please stay tuned for more adventures, more opinions and firey comments on life from me. Please feel free to comment.
Some are having problems when posting comments. When it asks for your 'profile' just click on that box and select 'google' what ever likes that answer. It fucks with me when I tried to leave a comment on my own I feel your pain, I really do.

Have wonderful days, all of you and remember..
Gorgeous the Life
Susan/aka sploozy aka Shorty aka Sam

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