Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Farrah's Story

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Farrah's Story

There was a program on the other night called "Farrah's Story" and it was a personally done documentary of Farrah and her horrid, amazing, tragic and final battle with cancer. What made it so touching was she did all the filming herself. It wasn't done by any network, she started videoing herself the minute she found out she had cancer. Of all places to get cancer, hers was so began as Anal Cancer. Who knew you could get cancer in such a private and personal place. That monster has no boundaries, no preferences. It just takes over where ever it pleases, leaving it's victim to take arms and go to battle. And go to battle Farrah did. She wasn't getting the answers or the treatment she demanded here in the US so she went to Germany. All rich people that can afford to leave this country to seek better treatment for cancer, so. Regular people who cant afford it, are stuck here in the US to get what minimal treatment that is available. Cancer is too big a business here. They will never let a cure make it to the surface...that would be like Boeing closing down. The American Cancer Society is one big has all of us believing it is trying to find cures when in reality it is supporting millions of people and families that would be put out of business if a cure was truly found. Our health care in this country is so bad....we are supposedly the best, strongest, most powerful country on the planet but in reality we aren't. This country treats its citizens with this disease like torture victims...putting them through that horrid chemo therapy, radiation when in other countries they are using much better, unorthodox treatments that are working. Farrah was told they could not remove the tumor in her anus, but when she went to Germany, they removed it, and she had years added to her life.

She is such a soldier. She has endured so much pain and emotional trauma but never getting negative, never giving up hope of surviving this thing. Her entire battle left her hair on her head, it was so important to her not to lose her hair, her crowning glory. Farrah's hair was an entity in itself. Finally, she had to take the chemo that cost her her beautiful head of hair...that was sad. All through the show, she looked good, she smiled, even after enduring these painful, beyond belief painful procedures where they were sticking these long needles directly into her liver, with lasers on them, shooting the tumors directly...she had to remain awake for this. Oh god, to watch her feet curl up in pain, to hear her voice when she was saying 'Ow ow ow oowww". I was in tears.

Farrah Fawcett was the Marilyn Monroe of my generation. I grew up loving her, adoring her, idolizing her and wishing beyond hope that i could be here. I had all the books about her life, i used her shampoo when it came out. I just adored her. I worked at a shop in Hayward that sold her poster. I never bought one and i sure with i had of. She was beyond beautiful. She was heart stoppingly gorgeous. Losing her is going to be the loss of another icon. I don't cry many times when famous people die, but I will cry for her.

In this show, Ryan O'Neal was by her side without fail. They have been together since 1979. I remember when she and Lee Majors split up and I was devastated. They were the Golden Couple of my generation. That was another time. She was someone to look up to that was decent, wholesome, healthy and kind. She didn't expose her body, she wasn't involved in any scandals, no drugs, no alcoholic car wrecks or jail sentences. She was just a good, loving, kind young woman living a dream. Her beauty caught the eye of someone important who brought her out to Hollywood and she went. Her life was one of those Cinderella stories we all dream about having happen to us....from college girl to world famous starlet. Prince Charles wanted to see her first when he came to this country. I read all about her every move. I watched Charlies Angels religiously.

She has exhausted all her resources, all her doctors are done, no more chemo, no more surgeries, no more radiation or toxic drugs killing off her body. Now it is just time to keep her comfortable, pain free, doped up and in bed...waiting to die. I feel it is going to be soon. If there is a god it will be soon. NO one should have to suffer the way she has. God i am so grateful my mother didn't want to live like that because it comes with a stiff price. Farrah was not going to let this "terrorist' take her life. When she started losing her hair, she shaved it off. She wanted the loss of her crowning glory to be at her hand, not this monster disease. She read from her journal as the narration of this story. There were parts that just had me sobbing openly and out loud. Her best friend Alana Hamilton was with her every step of the way, for every trip to Germany, in fact it was she who found out about the doctors over there.

Jacquline Smith and Kate Jackson are her very close friends, they bonded during Charlies Angels. They were all very young and in a very strange and scary world so they clung to each other for support during the rise of all their careers. None of their did what Farrah's' did. Her star was destined to go much further and shine much brighter. I remember when she left Charlies Angels...I think it was a mistake. She didn't do as well in movies as expected but her performance in "The Burning Bed" was Oscar worthy...only it was a movie made for TV so no Academy Award was offered to her. I do think she won several awards for it. She also played that woman who shot and killed her own children and then claimed she was attacked by "some black man" in the story "Small Sacrifices".

Oh whew...I thought i had lost this. I accidental clicked away to find out the name of the woman who committed those crimes and i went away...losing all of this, or so i thought. It just saved it as a draft. I am new to blogging so i don't know all the ins and out of this. i will learn.
well, i am going to end this by saying the show ended with Farrah in her bed. We weren't able to see her face. She was so small, she was lost in that big bed. Her son Redmond is in jail and has been in so much trouble all his life. I don't know why, with a life like he must have had...who knows. He has been in as many treatment centers as i have...but he is half my age. 14 treatment centers by the age of i don't imagine her being able to survive much longer. Her poor body is ravaged and exhausted by this horrid terrorist. She needs to rest, to let go and be free from this mortal coil. I give her my love and prayers and wish we could have met. I could have learned so much from her.

God Bless Farrah Fawcett. Hers was a kind heart and all she wanted to do was be loved and be happy and give. She baked, she said her dad wanted a little boy so when she grew up, she could play baseball and was taught ballet. She was an artist and went to college with an art major. Hers was a blessed life and after all of that, to have to die like just isn't fair. She clung fast to her faith...praying and praying, begging God to give her a miracle. It didn't' come....well, not that we see. She is going to be going to that other place where we all wonder what is on that side. I think it is going to be awesome. The truly sad part is Ryan O'Neal and her father. No man should bury his entire family. He has already lost one daughter to cancer, his wife and now fucking sad, eh?
Ryan will lose it after she goes. He said she taught him to love and after she leaves, he is going to be alone and unfettered and his anger is going to breech the levy, but that's just my thoughts.
God Bless you Farrah. Good Bye sweet woman. I will miss you terribly!

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