Sunday, July 5, 2009

Our Media Goes Over the Top.....Again

If a stranger from another planet were to land on earth and tune into the news, they would think that the untimely passing of Michael Jackson is the biggest story of our life time. So big in fact that it required 3 montages of inappropriate television coverage.

1st example of unneccessary headlines:
* Michael Jackson joins the list of top earning dead celebrities
* CBS does a break down of his plastic surgery time line
* Michael Jackson is rumored to have had an affair with Marcia Brady
* Where in the world IS Bubbles?
* Special report "Meeting Bubbles"* Bubbles tells of his sexual abuse at the hands of Michael* Michael Jackson never came to visit Bubbles
On Larry King the other night, he was stumbling through his report on Michael Jackson by saying, "He won 13 Emmy's (looking off stage)...what? Grammy's?? (back to facing the cameras)He won 13 Emmys and 13 Grammy's?? (looking off stage) What?...just 13 Grammy's?? (Facing the camera)Oh Good Lord, what ever...Rest in Peace Michael Jordan"

The 2nd form of innapprporate information is the fact that this dead guy isn't going to get any deader, but the media needs to keep this story sensational by playing "Where's Waldo - The Cadaver Version". I do not understand this horrible obsession with where his body is being kept. I watched and listened to 10 different reporters at several different live feed locations saying stupid things like this:

"Michael Jackson's body is here"
"Michael Jackson's body is over there"
"Michael Jacksons' body is at Forrest Lawn Memorial Park"
"Michael Jackson's body is missing"
"The Body is being kept in a secret location"
"Nobody knows where Michael Jackson's body is at this point. It could be anybodies guess"
OH MY GOD WHO CARES...HE'S DEAD, LEAVE HIM ALONE. We'll see his casket at the funeral...LET HIM REST IN PEACE

And then finally, the 3rd form of useless and inappropriate news reporting
Random and utterly useless speculation:
Did Michael Jackson have a secret girlfriend?
Is he going to be bigger than ever?
Nancy Gray - "Did he use an alias?"
E News - "Did he look drugged out to you?"
CNN - "Did he have a secret drug stash?"
TMZ - " Arnie Klein may have taken him down to Mexico to bleach his genitals"
ABC's Today, "Will Diana Ross take over the roll as Mommy?"
CBS - "Reports say that Michael Jackson was trying to look like Diana."
NBC - "This just in...Barry Manilow will escort Elizabeth Taylor to the funeral"
Random Mr. Speculator Dude showing a picture of a document, "the latest is that the document found at Neverland Ranch is said to either be Michael's last will and testament, meticulously arranged by the most qualified estate attornies in the's the map of Narnia.

With the passing of Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson this is a sad time for everyone...well...not isn't making Governor Mark Sanford know, the guy who went to Argentina, cheated on his wife with a girl named Maria. He was the talk of the town but not anymore. He thinks he is the luckiest guy in the world.

In other news, Kate of Jon and Kate = Hate....has pushed back the release date of her new cook book titled "Love is In the Mix - Making Meals into Memories". When it is released, it will probably be renamed "If You're Hungry - Have Your 23 Year Old Girlfriend Microwave You A Burrito"

And that's it for my take on how our media is making this horrible time for the families of Michael and Farrah just that much more miserable. If they had any class or respect, they would put a stop to all this bullshit, print a nice obituary and move on to something else. We know Michael Jackson was one of the greatest, most amazing performers of our time. It saddens me that his death has completely overshadowed Farrah's.I think her death is just as heartbreaking as his, but she wasn't the King of Pop. She was just a kind, loving, beautiful actress that could have given lessons on being tactful and acting like a lady even in times of great stress and family drama.

I will miss them both very much but if things were going my way, I wouldnt hear either of their names again when I turned on my TV or opened my newspaper or when I was standing in line at the grocery store. What's your take on all of this?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a test.