Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I GOT A JOB!!!!!!

I GOT A JOB!!!! Great balls o' finally happened. I have been given the opportunity to go to work in the field I have graduated college to be a part of. It happened!!! I was beginning to think I was NEVER going to get this opportunity and thanks be to the Goddess I was hired by a very reputable behavioral health facility here in the Snohomish County area. I was being 'seriously considered" Sea Mar in Monroe and I was sure they were going to make me an offer...but they kept inviting me back for a second, third and fourth interview...not so much an interview but I was sitting in on groups. I sat in on a teen group, an adult group and a women's group. One more interesting than the other. The girl (And I do mean girl...she was 24) that lead these groups was doing a horrible job of it. She had no control, no order...there was no flow. It was people talking, out of order, interupting each other, using foul language, "romancing the memories" meaning they were having euphoric recall about all the 'fun' they had when they were high. One kid went into great detail about all the different pain pills he was given when he had his DUI wreck and almost killed himself and his girlfriend who was his passenger. Not one word of remorse a matter of fact..he was showing off his new tatoo to the rest of the 'gang'. It was on the back of his neck and it said in big black New Engligh caligraphy "No Remorse". So..that about tells ya how he feels about his 'disease' and the fact that he almost killed his girlfriend.

I am not in there to judge, condemn, criticise or ridicule. I was there to see how they do things is all. I did see how they did things. But in the mean time, I was without a job. This place that did hire me, called me in for one interview and told me right there and then they wanted to give me a shot. Now THATS HOW AN INTERVIEW IS SUPPOSED TO GO. None of this "Well, we're thinking about, thinking about hiring you". While she was thinking about it...another place DID IT!!

I have no idea how many jobs I have had. Last time I thought about them, I was able to remember them all...but as I get older my memory fades more and more and they are getting harder and harder to remember. I should write them down right now....I think I will give it a try.I'll write the job number, the name, the state and the year. Here goes:
1. Jack in the Box- Calif. -76
2. Shibui Gift-Calif-77
3. Hungry Hunter Restaurant-Calif-78
4. The Rock (head shop)-Washington-78
5. Pizza Hut-Calif- 77
6. Dollar Rent a Car-Calif-78
7. Lyons Coffee Shop-Calif-78
8. Sedgewick, Detert, Moran & Arnold Law Firm-San Fran-79
9. Burger King-Wash- 80
10. Waterway Waterbed Store-Wash-80
11. Waterbed Warehouse-Wash-81
12. Bon Marche Piano & Organ Dept 81
13. Goofy's Tavern-Wash-81
14. Finnagans Tavern-Wash-81
15. Skippers Fish & Chips-Wash-82
16. Kovacs-Wash-82
17. Red Balloon-Wash-83
18. My Dad's store-Wash-83
19. Fox Pump & Dewatering-Calif-84
20. Some Temp Co in Calif 85
21. Harbor Marine-Wash-86
22. Pelican Petes Restaurant-Wash-86
23. The Westin Hotel, Kodiak Ak-88
24. Taco Time-Wash-88
25. Some Rent a car place-Calif -88
26. Art of Pasta Restaurant-Calif-88
27. Parkers Rock n Roll Club-Wash-88
28. Skippers-Wash-89
29. Pay n Pak-Wash-90
30. Group Health Credit Union- Seattle-91
31. Northern Energy Propane-Everett-92
32. Northstar Corp (espresso machine importer)-Everett-92
33. Shrieners Iris Garden-Oregon-93
34. K&D Flaggers- Wash.93
35. Kelly's, Olstens, Manpower Temp-Wash-94
36. Johansens Mech.-Wash-94
37. Timberline Cafe-Wash-95
38. Boeing-Wash-96
Culinary School-96-97
39. Angelos Restaurant-Wash-98
40. Olive Garden-Wash-2000
41. Jacks Restaurant-Everett-00
42. (out of order but forgot about it)Pluma Blanco Mexican Rest-Wash-83
43. Buzz Inn Martini Bar-Wash-2001
44. Rome Pizza-Wash-2001
45. The Steak House-Wash-02
46. Nationwide Vinyl Window-Wash-02
47. Aegis Convelescent Hospital-03
48. Rural Metro Ambluance-Wash-03
49. Celebrations Catering-Wash-04
50. Silverlake Winery-Wash-04
51. Alpine Windows

I have already remembered a couple I have left off but you get the idea....I have been hired to do alot of different things. Alpine Windows was the last job I was able to get. Once my felony hit the computers I was considered unworthy of employment. I went on over 100 interviews during the year of 2005 and no one would hire me. I must have had over 200 resumes floating around out there in cyber space...lots of calls, lots of interviews but the minute I was told they would be doing a background check and asked me if there was anything I wanted to tell them...I would tell them and they would show me the door. I used to be so careful and quiet when I first walked in, hoping, praying that they wouldn't ask me 'that' question..but it always was asked and I always answered honestly and I was always shown the door.

I got to the point where I was walking in and before I even sat down, I would say, "look, I have a felony in my background. It isn't drug related, I didn't kill, rape or molest anyone. It was 2 years ago, I have completed my probation and really would like a chance to prove myself to I sit down and we commence with this interview or should I show myself to the door?".

I was always told how much they appreciated my honesty but they were really sorry but they just didn't have anything to offer me at that time. So, I would show myself to the door. That was when I made the decision to go to school to become a Chemical Dependency Counselor. Every good counselor I ever had, had a felony (Or 2 or 5) in their past and they were the best damn counselors I had. I figured that would be the ONE and only field where my past would be looked upon as a benefit and not a hinderance...

AND IT LOOKS LIKE IT HAS BEEN. When the owner was looking at my Counselor Registration card where it says 'Probation', she said,"What's this for?" and Dan, the man I just interviewed with said, "Oh, it's just a felony." and she said, "Oh, ok"...AND THAT WAS IT!!!!!OH MY GOD, IT HAS FINALLY HAPPENED. I have been looked at as a person, a real live person and not a felon. I was not defined by what I had done...I was looked at as a real person, not a statistic. I was getting so tired of being judged by something stupid I had done. That wasn't what I was, it was something I did. And they realized it. Thank God, Goddess and all else holy.

I have kept you long enough....this is going to be one great night. I am going to go to sleep with a clear consciounce and not feel the dread I have been feeling as the last thought I had as my head hit the pillow...."OH god I have to get a job before I run completely out of my trust fund." AND NOW I HAVE ONE. MY LIFE IS JUST BEGINNING AND I AM SO EXCITED.

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