Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Where Are All the Ugly People?

this is an email I got from a friend of mine. I thought this was just awesome and told him I was going to post it into my here ya go. Just know, we are both great big "BONES" fans, so unless you are familiar with this show, you won't know what he is talking about. I thought this was hysterical....

Joel says, "I think there is some kind of rule that whenever a TV show is really good they have to fuck it up after the third season. Maybe it's just that for the first couple of seasons they can pay the writers well and then after it is a hit they get rid of the good writers and hire a bunch of hacks. I've seen it far too many times.I think it was a good bit of writing to bring Sweets in after Booth shot the clown truck but he really makes no sense at all now. I seriously doubt that agents are kept in the field and also continually seeing the company shrink. Either one or the other, not both. And unless there were serious problems between Booth and Brennan that affected the outcome of their work, in which case the FBI would assign them new partners or just can them, I can't see any reason for them to be involved in an ongoing couples therapy.And why does Brennan wear a visitor's pass when she is at the FBI building? You'd think that she would have some kind of consultant ID or something. And does the FBI really allow visitors to wander around the building unescorted? Hell, even at Boeing if you didn't have an ID as an employee or vendor you had to be escorted by someone that was.And where are the ugly people? Even the less-than-beautiful people on this show are good looking. Have you ever in your life been someplace where everyone was so good looking? I don't normally think of black women as good looking but damn, Doctor Saroyen is a DOLL! They never have anyone even a little bit overweight, what's with that in the country with more overweight people than any other country in the world?I don't want Brennan to have a baby at all but I would like to see her and Booth get naked and screw like minks. I'd like to see her screw Booth into the ground and then screw some more. I'll be she has tremendous staying power and could cum fourteen times an hour. I think though that if she had a brat it would be the end of the show."

Now wasn't that awesome? I love people who have strong opinions. Even if they don't agree with mine or I don't agree with theirs..I think it is awesome to have opinions and be armed for battle if the situation calls for it.
Nothing like having a battle of the wits with an unarmed opponent to ruin your day.

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