Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael's Funeral and Memorial Day

Wow...what a freaking trip...Michael Joseph Jackson is gone. Just like a flame to the wind...extinguished....poof...gone, in the blink of an eye. I have been watching his memorial on TV all morning. Wow...to have the people talking aobut him, that knew him, be the most famous and important people in our music industry to date, is just a testiment to what kind of person he was. I am still in shock.

Tell me if this is way 'Off the Wall'.....Michael Jackson was a showman, above and beyond anything and everything else, he was a showman equaled by none. He was planning to open his new road show in August and all the media was on top of it. His 'secret rehearsals" were being leaked to the media...and he knew it. What if, just go with me on this one...just what if Michael wanted to do an exit equal to no one before him....I mean, what if he planned this entire thing? Is that crazy to think like that? It just came to me in an instant and a flash....he planned this. I know he did. Michael didn't accidently pass away. His heart wasnt in trouble...he was older, tired, he couldnt top himself in any way I don't think. Well, that isnt fair. Maybe he would have been able to, but just what if he wanted to go out in a bigger, badder, most amazing way possible. Who could top this? NO one...that's who...no one.

He had been judged, picked on, riduculed, falsly accused and made fun of. Not one comedien can say they didnt make some horrid joke at his expense...so maybe, just maybe he wanted to have that last laugh. I wouldn't be surprised one bit. You did everything you wanted to do down here, he had bigger better roads to travel. I just wish with every fiber of my being that he was the one in charge of his last performance.

I have been watching all of this memorial and it has just been so beautifully done and so tastefully executed. I grew up with him. Every good memory of my life has one of his songs playing in the background. I just cannot believe he is gone and I know where ever he is, he is getting a great laugh, a great sense of accomplisment. ALl those stories that were put out about him, he was the one that put them out there. The sleeping in a hypobaric chamber at night..wanting to buy the Elephant Man's bones...he put that out there. All of it. So why couldnt he, why Wouldnt he make this, the most amazing statement of his life. He has single handidly made all of the people of the world join hands, hearts and minds to remember him and all he offered this world. Is it that off the way to think that he could do something like that? I dont know, no one will ever know...well, one person will but he his lips are forever sealed.
God loved you, God gave you to us and Now you are in his hands for all eternity. Thank you Michael Jackson....for making the soundtrack of my life so fucking awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think that Michael Jackson was the greatest showman the world has ever seen, not by a long shot. Sure he had a "style" that made people notice him but beyond that?

I certainly don't think he was a trained singer and I doubt that he had much, if any, formal musical education. He was a kid that made good in spite of himself.

Certainly he was no dummy and that is evidenced by any of numerous business moves he made, owning a 50% share of the rights to so much of the music of the latter 20th century was nothing less than genius.

But was so much of the media hype surrounding him, from numerous plastic surgeries to skin bleaching to sleeping in a hyperbaric chamber really just hype or did he actually do those things?

And the pedophile thing; would anybody bring that label to their self? Don't misunderstand me, I don't think that Michael Jackson was a pedophile, not at all. I think his interactions with children were entirely innocent, the actions of a child in a man's body. Michael Jackson never had the opportunity to be a child when he was young and in my mind he never grew up. I think this also explains some of the, dare I say it, weird things he did as an adult.

There is no question that Michael Jackson had talent but a musical genius or the greatest entertainer that ever lived? Not in my book.