Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Who Does Google Google?

I use Google like...231 times a day. I have been able to find out the most amazing stuff in there, stuff I didn't even know I wanted to know, before I found out about it. It got me thinking. When i was a child, we all had Encyclopedia Britanica. My father took on a second job so he could afford to purchase me not only Junior Britanica but the adult version as well. It came in a beautiful walnut book case. I used it so many times in my childhood for writing reports. Anytime I asked a question, my mom's standard answer was, "Look it up" and so I did.

But then came Google. The end all, be all place to go to find out virtually anything about everything. I have been taking it for granted until this morning when it hit me like a fast flying brick. Who does Google Google to get all their information? Do they have thousands of little, underpaid gnomes sitting in some underground fact finding factory, perusing through every newspaper, dictionary,almanac, phone book, court records...everything that information is logged on, in and about? Does Google have a satelite out in space that just tracks and records everything that happens in the whole world? How do they get all that information? Who do they ask, where do they go? How do they know all that they know? And why do we trust it so readily? No one questions it once you say, "I Googled it". Who knows if it is all true? What if one day, one of those Google Gnomes gets tired and wants to go home. He hasn't filled his thousand fact a day quota so he just makes up a few. He figures, "No one will know, we're Google. Our word is gospel". Is it?
I don't know. I sure have placed a lot of faith in Google. My Grade point average for one. A couple of high dollar bets for another. I know people put alot of trust in Google...but I just have to ask....and I hope you will pick up where I have left off....Who does Google...Google? Think about it

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