Friday, July 24, 2009

First Weeks Are Tough

Well, I have completed my first week at my new job and let me tell you something. TEN HOUR DAYS SUCK!!!! I have always thought having a 4 day week would be awesome and the 3 day weekend even mobeta...But I think I was thinking about working a 4 day a week with 8 hour days. Those last 2 hours are freaking brutal.

I have basically been riding my couch for the last 7 years...those 2 years in college aside but really, I have been able to nap anytime I feel like it. Those days are GONE. I have to sit in groups and what really is the ball buster is those night groups. From 6:30 to 9:30 we are in a group..IOP.. Intensive Out Patient. These are people who have gotten DUI's and other drug and alcohol court related indicents. People have been arrested and their 'punishment' is to go to IOP in order to educate them on the disease of alcoholism and drug addiction. I am the group leader and as such, I am to lead them into helpful and active discussions about addiction. Most of these folks are so mad that they have to be there. They don't believe they have any problems, aside from having to sit their ass in this fucking group. They want out of there in the worst way possible. Well...I am so empathetic. I know how they feel. I was one of them. I can see myself sitting there, arms crossed, foot tapping, conversation inside my head was 'Waaa Waaa Waaa...I am not like you, I never was like you and I never will be like you and what the fuck am I doing here?"

Well, I see me sitting in all those chairs. It is like a blast from the past, only now I am the one leading the group instead of follwing I was leading....leading while trying not to pass out from shere exhaustion. I literally gave myself whiplash from jerking my head up to keep from falling asleep. The people were laughing at me and I was so embarrased. It is just because I am not used to it. I will get better. I know I will. It's just in the mean time....this is gonna be tough.

I slept until 12:30 this morning (afternoon?) I have never slept in that late, ever. Not even when I worked until 3 in the morning. I always got up early. Not anymore. Stay tuned for more exciting stories of 'Susan has a new job'


Anonymous said...
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thaikarl said...

@anonymous. the implication that someone else has it worse, or better, does not change MY reality one twit, you twat.

trolls belong under bridges. did you lost yours?