Sunday, July 12, 2009

Annonymous Comments

Well, I am learning a new lesson about blogging and letting people make comments...people can say some really vicious things when signed in under "anonymous". It must give them a false sense of security and courage. I got my first horribly negative comment today and I promptly deleted it for a couple reasons...first of all it was very vulgar, full of lies and was insulting. And secondly, I figure if someone doesn't have the courage to leave their name when making such a vicious comments, then they don't deserve to have their comment posted. Unfortunately, I have a very strong feeling I know who wrote it.

I haven't heard from or seen this person in a long long time....but when I read those nasty words, I was almost certain that it was them. They brought up stuff I have not put in my blog, private things...details I ha vent' disclosed.

They attacked my being on methadone saying, "Who in their right mind would want a drug counselor who was a drug addict still using drugs?". They accused me of having "bad research skills" because I didn't use Google to look up what "Tweeting" was..(I was joking, of course I know what it is something a bird does right? )....Well, they need to do some research of their own...being on methadone has nothing to do with being a good counselor. First off, most drug counselors are drug addicts themselves in recovery...and secondly, hundreds of drug counselors are on methadone...We even have a support group for us. We are covered by the American Disabilities Act (ADA) and our taking methadone is looked upon as being no different than a diabetic person taking their insulin....I am not "high" or considered to be 'Under the influence". Even if I were pulled over by the police while driving.

Yep...Big News Flash!!! (that everyone who knows me already knows) I am a drug addict, I always will be one. But I am in recovery.... unlike this "Anonymous" person. Your denial about your drug addiction is really, well, typical. No drug addict that is not in recovery wants to admit they have problem. It's much easier to focus on the flaws, faults and failures of other people than to deal with themselves. I know...we all do. It's tough to admit when we have been defeated and destroyed by our 'best friends" aka DRUGS!

Moving on...My blog is sent to the people I know who love me and consider me a friend. Where it goes from there is up to God and the people sending it on to their friends. I KNOW this comment was not from anyone I Love or who loves me, but from a person who has negative energy and lots of time to waste ...not having a job and all...just being able to lounge around picking other people apart.

I intend on spending the remaining years of my life doing as much positive as I can. I accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative not only in here but in all areas of my life. There is no need for it and it serves no purpose. I won't delete opposing ideas or sound arguments on my posts but if someone just wants to assassinate my character and be malicious..well that is not going to be accepted so put that in your little crack pipe, Anonymous and smoke it!

To the rest of my friends...sorry about this. I hope to not have to waste my precious time blogging about something so ridiculous again. I have too many good things I want to write about...yeah some are not so pleasant but that's my life...not all parts of it are. Ya gotta take the good with the bad if you want to hang with me. I promise, I will make it worth your while....I give you my word...and oh Anonymous...buckle up sweetie. It's gonna take a lot more than your petty accusations and comments to upset me. Trust that. I have stared Satan straight in the eye and beat the likes of your skinny lil mortal ass doesn't bother me one bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
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