Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Why Is Doing the Right Thing So Expensive?

was grocery shopping with my friend yesterday and I went to grab my petroleum free, vegetable oil based, no animal tested, biodegradable, "Green" bottle of dish soap and it was $3.29. That bottle of soap represents the saving of something like 4,000 barrels of oil per bottle. That is amazing....A regular 'dangerous planet damaging" dish soap was $1.99. I want to eat cage free, range roaming chicken and eggs...that is $5.29 per carton. Regular eggs from tortured, abused, beekless, featherless, antibiotic riddled, sad and unhealthy chickens are $1.89 a dozen. I want to eat healthy, farm raised, antibiotic and growth hormone free meat. That costs 4 times as much as factory farm, diseased, beaten down, terrified, miserable, hormone and drug riddled meat. Back to the chickens...have you ever been behind or next to one of those big trucks filled with cages of chickens headed to "chicken hell'? It will be like 35 degrees out, this truck has absolutely NOTHING covering these poor creatures, the few feathers that they have are wind blown right off of them, they are stacked cage upon cage, and inside the cage they are stacked chicken upon chicken. Tell me, do you want to eat anything that comes from an animal that has that horrid a life? I mean, I know that animals are eaten, I eat them. I am a carnivore...but do we really need to make what few days they have on this planet so god damnes miserable? Do we really need to treat them so heartlessly and horribly? They do feel pain. They feel cold, heat, moisture, snow and all the other enviromental things we we have to pretend that they are not alive and treat them without one single shred of compassion or humanity?

I have derailed my train of thought once again....forgive me.

WHY DO "THEY" MAKE IT SO EXPENSIVE TO DO THE RIGHT THING? I know people who are not recycling because it costs them extra money per month on their garbage bill if they want to receive curb side pick up. Other reasons are because it is:
1. Too far from home
2. Too inconvenient

If you want to eat more healthy food and live on a budget, good luck. It is possible but it sure is very difficult. One would think that if they have taken something out of a product, that it would be less expensive. Taking sugar out of something makes it more expensive...taking fat out of something, they just put in more sugar and that is not a fair trade off. Fat doesn't make people fat....sugar makes people fat but that is a whole other blog. I just wonder how come if there is less of something in a product, why it costs more. Why do 'they' make it so expensive to be healthy? (and of course, it goes without saying...who are 'they anyways?)It boils down to this. If people are more healthy, they can work harder and be more productive and live longer and do more work which makes this a better planet so it is cost effective to make healthy food affordable for the average person. I can't afford the types of healthy food I would like to eat because I am on a fixed income. Organic food is 3 times more expensive than non organic...THEY ARE USING LESS PESTICIDES TO GROW IT SO WHY IS IT MORE EXPENSIVE. All they use is dirt and water to grow it. I don't get it. Same thing for factory farm raised animals. Organically raised just means they dont get antibiotics or growth hormones...that is less expensive to raise so why is their meat so much more spendy? It makes no sense.

Truth be told, I was "Green" long before it was fashionable thanks to my mother. We didn't burn through our plastic cups in the summer. We had one cup with our name on it. We reused our paper plates if they weren't damaged. My mom would get miles out of her tin foil because after using it, she washed it, dried it, and used it again. We had this little tool that you put on your tube of toothpaste that made rolling it down to the very last tiny bit easier to do. It looked like the key from a sardine can. I have looked for them but can't find them anywhere. We are such a wasteful society today. I can make a roll of tin foil last me almost one year. Same thing with my zip lock quart sized plastic bags. I use them over and over until they no longer zip or lock.

I saw a lady that used her plastic grocery bags to make throw rugs out of. No kidding. She rolled them up some way making them easy to crochet and away she went. They were so cool. Water proof, rugged and not bad looking. Perfect for front or back door mats. They were also great for putting in the bath tub for a 'non slip' surface.

Bottom line, if our planet is in need of us being more thoughtful about the products we use and if our bodies are in need of healthy, chemical and pesticide free food, than the manufacturers need to make them more accessible and take a cut in their profit wouldn't hurt them to make a few cuts. I do my part, they need to do theirs.

1 comment:

thaikarl said...

sigh. "organic" etc stuff costs more, because greenheaded people will pay more, because it's 'organic'. that's why. i had a client who self-published a book. she really wanted to use recycled paper. costs 1/3 more. she finally learned from a friendly paper salesman, that it was actually cheaper than new paper- CHEAPER TO THE PAPER COMPANY. but, people who want to be 'recyclers' would pay more, so they had more profit.

the serious, scientific based enviornmental people will tell you that organic foods are WORSE for the envionment- as they are often trucked in from long distances, use more fuel etc etc.

fucked anyway you look at it.